Home > Live ! > The webcast program
Starting on the 5th of September 2013, a structured program of transmission will be available, treating various subjects, dedicated not only to our listeners but also to the elders.
This program will be naturally accessible to all but will contain more elaborate themes needing some prerequisites. For those of you who are registered in a Sangha Loka (circle of practice in town), a help from the elders, explications and a lot of other possibilities like sponsorships can be suggested. Do not hesitate to contact the nearest Sangha Loka to ask any questions !
Once a week, an exchange with Denys Rinpoché is scheduled with one or several Sangha Loka (alternately) allowing a more private interview.
This program may occasionally change and acquire a certain flexibility, in particular concerning the plenary reunions with the Sangha Loka. You will be informed in advance of any change via the news on the homepage of the website.
The program will be broadcasted as follows :
The following day the differed program will be available for a period of 15 days.